A marital dispute over the wife’s addiction to making reel videos turned fatal when her husband allegedly killed her at Karkada near Saligrama on Friday, just eight months after their marriage. The deceased, Jayashree (31), originally from Donagapura in Bidar, was married to Kiran Upadhya (44), an assistant cook in temples from Gundmi, Sastan.
Jayashree was reportedly obsessed with creating and sharing reel videos on social media, often featuring herself or her husband. Despite the happy appearance in these videos, their relationship was strained, further exacerbated by her addiction to online shopping and demands for luxury items, leading to frequent arguments.
Jayashree, who hailed from a family of temple priests in Bidar and belonged to the Panchamasali community, had been previously married to a man from Mangaluru who had passed away. After marrying Kiran, the couple moved into a rented house in Karkada but frequently quarrelled over gold and money. On Thursday night, a heated argument led to Kiran allegedly assaulting Jayashree with a sickle.
After the incident, Kiran reportedly attempted to cover up the crime by claiming Jayashree had fallen, but locals grew suspicious and informed the police. The authorities took Kiran into custody and initiated an investigation.
Police officials, including Udupi Additional SP S T Siddalingappa and DySP D T Prabhu, visited the scene. Jayashree’s body will be handed over to her relatives upon their arrival in Kota.
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