On Tuesday, the Mangaluru Sixth Additional District and Sessions Court acquitted 40 individuals accused in the 2012 Mangaluru ‘homestay attack’ case due to insufficient evidence. Initially, 44 people were charged in connection with the incident; three died during the trial, and charges against a journalist were dropped by the government.
The attack occurred on July 28, 2012, when members of the Hindu Jagaran Vedike assaulted a birthday party at the Morning Mist homestay near Padil, Mangaluru. The group, led by Hindutva leader Subhash Padil, accused the young attendees of engaging in indecent activities under the influence of alcohol. During the assault, Vedike members allegedly stripped the women and attacked at least 12 individuals.
Following the incident, the Mangaluru Rural Police filed a charge-sheet against 44 suspects. Among those arrested were two video journalists; one was acquitted in 2018 after the government, led by CM Siddaramaiah, withdrew the case against him.
The State Women’s Commission also conducted an investigation and submitted a report to the then Home Minister R. Ashoka. The report recommended a probe by a DIG-rank officer, highlighting the ‘police failure’ and severity of the attack.
Despite the serious allegations, the court’s decision to acquit the accused underscores the challenges in obtaining conclusive evidence in such cases.