News Karnataka
Wednesday, April 24 2024


Chana masala: Popular healthy vegetarian curry

18-Apr-2023 Cuisines of Karnataka

Chana masala is a famous spicy spice dish of North India. This chickpea dish is one of the world's most popular vegetarian curries & is a staple in Indian homes and restaurants....

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Skinks: The secretive ground dwellers found in Southeast Asia

16-Apr-2023 Wildnest

Skinks are lizards belonging to the family Scincidae, species of lizards, mostly secretive ground dwellers or...

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Karonda fruit: Rare, mouth-watering fruit

14-Apr-2023 Special

Karonda fruit also called Black Currant scientifically termed Carissa carandas is a traditional summer produce in India that is widely utilised in making pickles, jams...

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Buttermilk Gravy: Traditional healthy summer recipe

11-Apr-2023 Cuisines of Karnataka

Buttermilk gravy is a traditional masala recipe of Karnataka. It has a sour and savoury flavour and is delicious with hot boiled rice which is...

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Octopuses: Marine mollusk with three hearts

10-Apr-2023 Special

The fact that octopuses have three hearts is partly due to their blue blood. Blood is pumped into the gills by their two peripheral hearts,...

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Why do people say ‘bless you’ after you sneeze?

07-Apr-2023 Special

Some people bless you for sneezing because they think it makes your heart stop. Yet this is only a myth. Often, a sneeze starts with...

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Byadagi chillies: North Karnataka’s popular chillies

07-Apr-2023 Special

India is the world's largest producer of chiles and offers a wide variety of them. We use a lot of chiles in most cuisines. Badagi...

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Dhokla: Popular, delicious and healthy Guajarati food

04-Apr-2023 Cuisines of Karnataka

Dhoklas are a popular breakfast dish of they are soft and spongy when steamed and are a great evening snack and...

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Hare: Herbivores mammals belonging to genus Lepus

02-Apr-2023 Wildnest

Hare are mammals belonging to the genus Lepus. They are herbivores and live solitarily or in...

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Chamundi Hills: Residing place of Nada Devathe

30-Mar-2023 Marvellous Karnataka

According to popular legends, many years ago, a buffalo demon named Mahishasura was wreaking havoc in heaven and...

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Munch Murugun: The ‘Chocolate God’ of India

29-Mar-2023 Special

India is the largest democratic country in the world. There are many religions with different language, culture, and...

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