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Police Rescue Runaway Boys from Coaching Center Hostel in Dharwad

Police Rescue Runaway Boys From Coaching Center Hostel In Dharwad

DHARWAD, June 15: In a late-night operation, the Town Police of Dharwad successfully rescued two boys who attempted to run away from the hostel of a prestigious coaching center in Rajatgiri. The incident occurred in the early hours of June 13 when locals noticed the boys leaving the hostel premises around 2 am.

Concerned residents promptly informed both the police and the coaching center authorities about the suspicious activity. Acting swiftly, the night patrol team of Dharwad Town Police located the students and brought them to the police station for further investigation and resolution.

Upon contacting the parents of the boys, the police facilitated their reunion with their families, ensuring their safe return home. The incident has raised concerns about the well-being and security measures at coaching center hostels, prompting authorities to review existing protocols to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

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