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Rahul Gandhi Retains Raebareli; Priyanka Gandhi to Contest from Wayanad

Rahul And Priyanka

New Delhi: The Congress party on Monday announced that senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi will vacate his Wayanad Lok Sabha seat in Kerala to retain the family stronghold of Raebareli in Uttar Pradesh. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra will be contesting from Wayanad Lok Sabha seat which his brother will be vacating. This means Priyanka Gandhi Vadra will be making her electoral debut from Wayanad.

The announcement followed a high-level Congress meeting, where party president Mallikarjun Kharge, alongside the Gandhi siblings, explained the timing was crucial as the last day to make such a change was Tuesday. Kharge stated that Rahul’s deep connection with Raebareli, a constituency significant to his family for generations, influenced the decision, despite the affection he received from Wayanad voters.

Priyanka expressed her commitment to Wayanad, vowing to be a strong representative and assuring residents she would frequently visit with her brother. Rahul highlighted his emotional ties to both constituencies, expressing gratitude to Wayanad’s people for their support during his tenure as their MP and promising continued involvement.

Priyanka, reflecting on her long-standing work in Raebareli, reassured that she would support Rahul there while focusing on her new role in Wayanad. She confidently stated she was not nervous about her new political journey, highlighting that both constituencies now effectively have two dedicated MPs.


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