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India Denounces Pakistan’s “Baseless” Remarks on Kashmir at UNSC Debate

J&k Remark

India has criticized Pakistan for making “baseless remarks” about Jammu and Kashmir, calling them “politically motivated and unfounded,” and described them as yet another attempt to divert attention from severe violations against children in Pakistan.

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During the United Nations Security Council’s open debate on Children and Armed Conflict, India’s Deputy Representative to the United Nations, R. Ravindra, emphasized on Wednesday that the Union territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh are integral and inalienable parts of India.

Ravindra stated, “In the interest of time, let me briefly address the remarks made by one representative against my country. These remarks are politically motivated and unfounded, and I categorically dismiss and condemn them with the contempt they deserve.”

He added, “This is nothing but another habitual attempt to divert attention from the grave violations against children that continue unabated in his own country, as highlighted in this year’s Secretary-General’s report on children and armed conflict. Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh were, are, and always will be an integral and inalienable part of India, regardless of what this representative or his country believes or wishes.”

His comments came after Pakistan’s representative referred to Jammu and Kashmir during the UNSC debate.

Ravindra noted that the annual debate over the years has highlighted the challenges faced by children in armed conflict situations and underscored the importance of preventing violations against children.

“This year marks 25 years since the adoption of Security Council Resolution 1261 on children and armed conflict. Over the years, the annual debate has brought to light the challenges faced by children in situations of armed conflict and helped the international community recognize the importance of preventing and ending violations against children,” he said.

He praised the work of the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General but emphasized that much progress remains to be made given the changing landscape of armed conflicts and the varied nature of vulnerabilities that children face.

Ravindra expressed deep concern over the magnitude and severity of grave violations against children in armed conflict situations. He stressed that the abuse, exploitation, sexual violence, and other grave violations committed by terrorists need greater focus and determined action.

“This year’s Secretary-General’s report presents a sobering account of the escalating threats faced by children in conflict zones. Terrorists and armed groups continue to commit the majority of the violations. In this context, let me make the following five points: National governments have the primary responsibility for protecting the rights of the child as mandated by the Convention on the Rights of the Child,” he said.

He encouraged Member States to ratify the optional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict and to adopt robust legal frameworks for the protection and promotion of child rights. He stressed the need for greater focus and action on abuses committed by terrorists.

Ravindra highlighted the vulnerability of children to indoctrination through violent extremist ideologies aimed at fomenting terrorism and emphasized that this challenge can only be overcome by resolute actions from the government where such entities operate.

“The importance of quality education and skill development to mitigate negative consequences cannot be overemphasized. The use of digital tools to provide education, vocational training, and psychosocial support opens up new opportunities for children in conflict situations,” he said.

“Protecting schools, especially girls’ schools, and healthcare facilities and personnel must be prioritized. There is a need for a more inclusive approach to provide protection to child victims of armed conflicts. Those children who face relocation and reintegration require special attention. Children who grow up in conflict and post-conflict situations often need a fresh start,” he added.

Ravindra noted that India recognizes the importance of having sufficient resources and a requisite number of child protection advisors in peacekeeping missions for effective child protection programs. He reaffirmed India’s commitment to supporting the UN in its efforts to protect children in armed conflict situations.

“The right to a joyful childhood leading to a life full of opportunities is a fundamental right of every child. The health, education, and creative abilities of our children and young people will determine the well-being and strength of humanity. Children are the future of the world. Let me conclude by reiterating India’s firm commitment to supporting the UN in its endeavors to protect children in situations of armed conflict,” Ravindra said.

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