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Jackfruit Chips from NG Fruits: A Delicious Market Disruptor

Jackfruit Chips From Ng Fruits A Delicious Market Disruptor

Potato and tomato chips may dominate the snack market, but Narendra’s NG Fruits Company from Sakharayapatna town in Chikkamagaluru district, Karnataka, is making waves with their high-quality jackfruit chips. Known for their taste and quality, NG Fruits’ jackfruit chips are set to challenge the popularity of potato, banana, and other fruit chips across Karnataka and beyond.

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The demand for jackfruit chips extends internationally, with NG Fruits selling 8-10 tonnes of chips during the jackfruit season. Their products are marketed online and supplied to companies in Bangalore, further expanding their reach. The Chikkamagaluru-based company has also established a strong presence in Gujarat, the West Coast of India, where they send 8-10 tonnes of jackfruit chips from April to June, earning up to Rs 6-8 lakh during the peak season.

Commitment to Quality

The secret to NG Fruits’ success lies in their commitment to quality. Narendra, the company’s founder, selects jackfruits directly from trees instead of stores, ensuring freshness. The jackfruits are thoroughly washed, the nuts separated from the seeds, and then cut into chip shapes. These are washed again, fried in oil, and seasoned with salt and spices before being packed for export. NG Fruits offers a variety of flavors, including Salt Chips, Chilli Chips, and Masala Chips, in addition to their popular Jackfruit Chips.

Job Creation and Economic Impact

NG Fruits has not only captivated taste buds but also created job opportunities in Karnataka and Gujarat. Even off-season, they manage to sell 2-3 tonnes of chips, maintaining a steady business flow and providing consistent employment.


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