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Alva’s Education Foundation Organizes Free Eye Check-up Camp in Mangaluru

Alva's Education Foundation Organizes Free Eye Check Up Camp In Mangaluru

A commendable initiative by Alva’s Education Foundation in Mangaluru is providing accessible eye health services to all individuals, irrespective of caste or religion. Dr. M Mohan Alva, chairman of the foundation, highlighted the significance of this endeavor during the ninth free eye check-up camp held at Alvas Ayurveda Medical College Hospital.

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Collaborative Efforts: The camp, conducted in collaboration with Prasad Nethralaya Super Specialty Eye Hospital, Mangaluru, and several charitable trusts and organizations, aims to address the lack of awareness regarding the importance of immediate medical attention for eye-related issues.

Addressing Challenges: Dr. Alva emphasized the essential role eyes play in perceiving the world and urged people not to hesitate in seeking treatment for any eye health concerns. He also acknowledged the challenges faced by individuals with permanent eye problems.

Future Plans: The foundation plans to continue these free eye check-up camps, with the goal of examining 5,000 individuals, providing eyewear to 2,500 people, and performing surgical treatments for around 500 individuals by next May.

Previous Success: Spectacles were distributed free of cost to beneficiaries of previous eye donation camps. In total, 1,478 people participated in the nine free eye check-up camps, with 784 receiving spectacles, 221 registering for cataract surgery, and 86 successfully undergoing the procedure.

This initiative exemplifies the commitment of Alva’s Education Foundation towards promoting eye health and well-being in the community.

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