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Kerala Tantriks Targeting Me and Siddaramaiah, Alleges DK Shivakumar


DK Shivakumar, the deputy chief minister of Karnataka, declined to identify the individuals on Friday who he claimed were engaging in black magic rituals directed at him and Chief Minister Siddaramaiah. The Kerala tantrikis, according to the Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister, were planning black magic rituals directed at him and Chief Minister Siddaramaiah in an attempt to topple the state’s Congress-led administration on Thursday.

Addressing reporters at his Sadashivanagar residence, Shivakumar disclosed, “Kerala tantriks are being used to carry out ‘Shatru Bairavi Yajna’ against us. We have strong faith that God and people’s blessings will protect us.”

Expressing concern, he claimed that these black magic ceremonies were unfolding in an isolated location near the Raja Rajeshwari temple in Kerala with the explicit purpose of destabilising Karnataka’s government.

“They are using tantriks to carry out ‘Raja Kantaka’ and ‘Marana Mohana Sthambana’ yajna. The people who were privy to the black magic rituals have given us all the information,” he elaborated.

Shivakumar detailed that the rituals involved the sacrifice of various animals, including 21 red goats, three buffaloes, 21 black sheep, and five pigs, under the direction of ‘Aghoris.’

“These yajnas are being conducted through Aghoris, and we have information that pancha bali – 21 red goats, 3 buffaloes, 21 black sheep, and 5 pigs – is being sacrificed for the black magic,” he added.

Shivakumar expressed unwavering faith in his beliefs, asserting, “Let them do black magic; it is their belief. The force that we believe in will protect us. I always pray to God before leaving home.”

When pressed about the perpetrators behind the alleged black magic, Shivakumar refrained from pointing fingers directly, stating, “We know who is getting it done. Politically active people are targeted frequently. I know who is conducting this ritual. Let them continue their efforts; I don’t bother.”

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