Santhosh T (32), a resident of Mala, was arrested by the police in connection with a theft that took place on August 30 at Gurgaal Gudde in Mudaru village. Gold ornaments weighing 33 sovereigns, valued at Rs 10.05 lakh, were stolen from a Godrej locker in a house’s bedroom. The thief gained entry to the house using a key left in a box outside. The theft was reported to the rural police station.
A special team, including PSI Dileep, PSI Sundara, and police constables Mahantesh, Prashant K, Shashikumar, Nagaraja, Govinda Achari, Raghavendra, and Ashok, was formed to capture the thief.
On September 1, the team arrested Santhosh and successfully recovered all the stolen gold ornaments. A motorcycle used in the crime was also confiscated.
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