A resident of Manjeswar in Kasargod district, Mushadiq Hussain, has been booked for violating aircraft safety regulations by smoking in the washroom of an aircraft. The incident occurred on a Saturday evening during a flight from Abu Dhabi to Mangaluru operated by Indigo Airlines. According to reports, Hussain, 24, lit a cigarette in the aircraft’s washroom just moments before the flight was scheduled to land at Mangaluru International Airport.
The actions of Hussain prompted Indigo Airlines officials to file a formal complaint with the Bajpe police station. The complaint highlights the serious breach of safety guidelines, as smoking in aircraft washrooms poses significant risks and contravenes strict regulations aimed at ensuring passenger safety.
Following the complaint, the police have issued a notice to Hussain, requiring him to appear at the station for further questioning. The authorities are investigating the matter to determine the appropriate legal actions and penalties in response to this safety violation.
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