In the midst of a heated debate over a controversial Karnataka bill proposing reservations for locals in the private sector, a new WhatsApp advertisement has captivated Bengaluru with its heart-warming narrative. Created by BBDO India and directed by Shimit Amin, the ad tells the touching story of Ikbir, a young Sardar chef moving to Bengaluru.
The advertisement portrays Ikbir’s initial struggles with local language and culture. Drawing inspiration from his mother’s advice, he decides to use his culinary skills to connect with his new colleagues. His preparation of Bisi Bele Bath, a traditional Kannada dish, symbolizes his first step towards integration into the local community.
The ad showcases Ikbir’s sincere efforts to learn Kannada and participate in local customs, including Ugadi celebrations. This dedication impresses the local community, which, despite their initial bonding among themselves, makes an effort to welcome Ikbir by accommodating his language needs in their chat group.
Communications professional Karthik Srinivasan, known for his blog “Beast of Traal,” praised the ad on X, describing it as “heart-warming” and highlighting its cultural sensitivity. He noted that while the ad effectively portrays Ikbir’s efforts to adapt, the connection between his story and WhatsApp’s features could be stronger. Despite this, the ad’s emotional appeal and depiction of cultural integration have resonated with audiences.