Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has informed Lieutenant Governor V.K. Saxena that Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) minister Atishi will hoist the national flag at the Delhi government’s Independence Day events on August 15. This move comes as Kejriwal remains incarcerated at Tihar Jail due to his involvement in corruption and money laundering charges related to the alleged Delhi excise policy scam.
Kejriwal’s Delegation of Duties
On Wednesday, AAP confirmed that Kejriwal has officially communicated from prison that Atishi will take over the ceremonial role of flag hoisting at the Independence Day celebrations. Traditionally, the Delhi government’s Independence Day function is held at Chhatrasal Stadium, where the Chief Minister addresses the crowd. However, this year, Atishi will step into that role.
Kejriwal’s Imprisonment and Its Impact
Arvind Kejriwal’s current imprisonment has led to significant changes in how the Independence Day function will be conducted. Kejriwal, who has been a central figure in Delhi’s politics, is facing serious charges that have led to his detainment. The delegation of flag hoisting duties to Atishi underscores the ongoing adjustments within the Delhi government in response to Kejriwal’s legal troubles.
Significance of the Flag Hoisting Ceremony
The flag hoisting ceremony on Independence Day is a key event, symbolising national pride and unity. Traditionally, the Chief Minister plays a pivotal role in this event, addressing the public and reinforcing patriotic sentiments. This year, Atishi’s role will be particularly notable as she represents the AAP and the Delhi government amidst the ongoing political and legal challenges faced by Kejriwal.
AAP’s Response and Future Outlook
AAP has reiterated its commitment to upholding the party’s values and continuing its governance responsibilities despite the leadership’s current legal predicaments. The party’s decision to have Atishi lead the Independence Day ceremony reflects its strategy to maintain a sense of normalcy and ensure that key functions proceed smoothly.
Arvind Kejriwal’s decision to delegate the flag hoisting duty to Atishi amidst his imprisonment highlights the ongoing turbulence within Delhi’s political landscape. As the city prepares for Independence Day, the focus will be on how the celebrations are conducted under the new leadership while Kejriwal remains absent.