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Stage Collapses During Rahul Gandhi’s Rally in Bihar, Misa Bharti Present


Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the Congress, narrowly avoided a close call on Monday when part of the dais that was constructed for one of his election rallies in Bihar gave way.


In Paliganj, a suburb of the state capital, Mr. Gandhi was there to support Misa Bharti, the daughter of RJD president Lalu Prasad, who is running for the Patliputra Lok Sabha seat.

Mr. Gandhi was being led by Ms. Bharti to his seat when he was observed stumbling to maintain his balance as part of the temporary platform dipped.

An alert Ms Bharti quickly held Mr Gandhi by the hand, helping him regain his balance and they smilingly told anxious security personnel, who ran to help, that the Congress leader was fine.

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