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KLE Institute of Oncology Raises Cancer Awareness in Belagavi

Kle Institute Of Oncology Raises Cancer Awareness In Belagavi

Belagavi witnessed a significant initiative in the fight against cancer as the KLE Institute of Oncology organized an academic awareness program for government doctors and medical practitioners. Held in collaboration with KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital, KLE Deemed to be University, and the district health department, the event aimed to educate doctors from rural areas about cancer care.

Police Commissioner Iada Martin Marbaniang and DHO Dr. Mahesh Koni were esteemed guests at the event. Commissioner Marbaniang praised the program for its potential to enhance medical practices, especially in rural PHCs and THCs, benefitting numerous villagers.

Dr. Mahesh Koni expressed gratitude for the initiative, highlighting the current challenges where patients travel long distances for cancer treatment. With KLE strengthening cancer care facilities in Belagavi, he emphasized the positive impact on local patient care.

The event was attended by medical professionals including Dr. (Col) Dayananda, Dr. Rajshekhar, Dr. VD Patil, and Dr. Naveen, COO of the KLE Institute of Oncology, underscoring collective efforts to improve cancer care and awareness in the region.

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