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AI-Morphed Naked Pics of Class 9 Bengaluru Girl Surface on Instagram

Ai Morphed

The Bengaluru cyber police have taken action after artificial intelligence created nude images of a class 9 girl surfaced on social media, shared by anonymous individuals. The concerned parents first discovered the distressing images on Instagram and promptly alerted the authorities to identify those responsible.


The victim became aware of the situation when her friends notified her about the AI-generated nude photos circulating on Instagram. These fake images were crafted using her own photos from her private Instagram account. Suspecting an internal breach, the parents promptly lodged a complaint with the police.

In a parallel incident, another girl from the same class had her picture morphed by an unidentified individual, though her parents chose not to file a complaint.

The AI-generated morphed images were disseminated from a separate Instagram account. Despite attempts by the victim’s friends to contact the account handler, no response was received.

Commenting on the matter, the principal of the prestigious school attended by the victim emphasized the importance of swift action, stating, “The parents acted responsibly by immediately involving the cyber cell. Our management stands in solidarity with the girl and her parents, and appropriate measures will be taken.”

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