Bengaluru: The Parappana Agrahara police have arrested 32-year-old Raviteja, a painter from Andhra Pradesh, for stealing mobile phones from passengers on BMTC buses. Authorities recovered 60 mobile phones worth ₹10 lakhs from him.
City Police Commissioner B. Dayananda revealed that Raviteja would pose as a passenger and distract fellow commuters to steal their phones. A recent complaint reported the theft of a mobile phone near the Hosur Road bus stand while traveling from Majestic to Attibele.
The police had been tracking mobile thefts on BMTC buses and conducted surveillance in plain clothes. On August 26, Raviteja was detained at Konappana Agrahara bus stand with 60 mobile phones in his possession. During interrogation, he admitted to traveling to Bengaluru to steal phones and sell them in Andhra Pradesh.
The accused would flash normal Android mobiles and sell them at a low price. However, he would sell iPhone spare parts separately to avoid being caught when switching them on. The police have registered a case and arrested the accused, putting an end to his mobile theft spree in BMTC buses.
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