Bengaluru: Zoomcar, the Bengaluru-based car-sharing platform, has been ordered to pay Rs 13,500 to a customer after a consumer court found the company liable for providing a defective vehicle. The decision by the Mysuru District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission came on August 3, stemming from an incident that occurred two years ago.
The case involved Anand M G, a resident of Saraswathipuram, who rented a Datsun self-drive car from Zoomcar for Rs 2,503 on April 20, 2022. According to A K Naveen Kumari, President of the consumer forum, the car provided was defective and broke down during Anand’s journey from Mysuru to Bengaluru. Despite Anand’s attempt to repair the car and the company’s promise to either repair the vehicle or provide an alternative, Zoomcar failed to respond in a timely manner. Anand had to book a cab costing Rs 4,000 to return to Mysuru after waiting for two days.
The court criticized Zoomcar for not addressing the grievance and not appearing in court to contest the allegations. As a result, the evidence presented by Anand remained uncontested. The court ruled in favor of Anand, holding Zoomcar accountable for the deficiency in service.
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