In Bengaluru, there is increasing demand for the Raj Bhavan, the Governor of Karnataka’s official residence, to be made more accessible to the public. Despite its central location and historical significance, the grand building remains largely off-limits, with rare openings for public viewing.
Built between 1840 and 1842 by Mark Cubbon, Commissioner of the Mysore State, Raj Bhavan is a key piece of colonial architecture and heritage. However, its inaccessibility has sparked public interest in experiencing its historical and architectural value.
BM Shivakumar, President of the Jayaprakash Inquiry Forum, has formally requested Deputy Speaker Rudrappa Lamani to consider opening Raj Bhavan to the public. Shivakumar believes that public access would not only satisfy public curiosity but also provide educational opportunities for students and history enthusiasts.
Historically, there has been limited public access to Raj Bhavan. In 2018, Governor Vajubhai Vala allowed public tours for just 15 days. Since then, no Governor has permitted public viewing, following Ramadevi’s tenure. The appeal is for a more permanent arrangement to allow broader access to this important landmark.
The call for increased accessibility aligns with similar practices for other historical sites, like the Mysore Palace, which is open to visitors year-round.
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