In Chikkaballapura taluk, a youth who performed dangerous stunts atop Avalabetta hills and shared the footage on social media was recently reprimanded by local authorities. The individual, identified as Akshay Kumar from Bagalkot, had engaged in risky maneuvers on a protruding rock at Avalabetta, a popular spot located 80 km from Bengaluru. His actions, which involved clinging to the edge of the rock and performing stunts, drew significant attention after he posted the video online.
The Chikkaballapur police, concerned about the increasing number of similar dangerous stunts at the site, tracked down Kumar and brought him to Chikkaballapura. During his interaction with the police, Kumar expressed deep regret for his actions and requested leniency. He admitted to acting recklessly and agreed to cooperate by recording a new video. In this follow-up video, he advised others against performing such stunts and urged them to prioritize their safety.
To address the broader issue, the local police have taken preventive measures by barring entry to the Avalabetta hills and issuing warnings to the public. This action aims to prevent further incidents and ensure that safety protocols are followed. Superintendent of Police Vishal Chowski emphasized the importance of such measures to protect individuals from harm and prevent potential tragedies.
The intervention comes in response to a growing trend of youths engaging in dangerous behavior at popular tourist spots, highlighting the need for increased vigilance and awareness.
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