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Allegations of Corruption Over Road Digging in Mangaluru

Allegations Of Corruption Over Road Digging In Mangaluru

Mangaluru: A concrete road laid in Mulihithlu of Bolar just a month ago was dug up two days ago, and a video of workers using machines to dig the road has gone viral. CPM leaders allege that crores of rupees were spent without proper planning. Sunil Kumar, CPM Dakshina Kannada district secretariat member, criticized the Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC) and Mangaluru Smart City Limited (MSCL) for hastily developing roads to ensure funds do not lapse.

Kumar accused the BJP-led MCC administration of corruption, citing the frequent digging of newly constructed roads as evidence. He emphasized that crores are being spent on road development projects that violate guidelines requiring checks on underground cables, drinking water pipelines, and drainage networks before commencing work. He claimed these guidelines are ignored to expedite the use of available funds.

The video shared by Kumar shows the new concrete road at Mulihithlu being dug up for what he described as a trivial reason. He urged citizens to protest against such wasteful and unscientific work, stressing that taxpayers’ money is being squandered.


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