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Award-Winning Filmmaker Simha Addresses Ethical Concerns in Film Industry

Award Winning Filmmaker Abhaya Simha Addresses Ethical Concerns In Film Industry

Award-winning filmmaker Abhaya Simha highlighted the ethical implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and the need for sensitivity in portraying women and violence in films. He conducted a special session on ‘Film Aesthetics beyond Curriculum’ organized by the Gandhian Centre for Philosophical Arts and Sciences (GCPAS), Manipal. Here’s a summary of his insights:


Ethical Considerations with AI

Simha emphasized the ethical dilemmas posed by AI in the film industry, noting that the widespread adoption of AI could potentially lead to job losses among film artists. He stressed the importance of using AI responsibly in film production.

Sensitivity in Portrayals

Addressing the portrayal of women and violence in films, Simha advocated for greater sensitivity and awareness. He emphasized the need for films to depict these themes in a respectful and considerate manner.

Filmmaking Experience

Simha shared his filmmaking experience, including his work on documentaries and feature films such as the award-winning Tulu film ‘Paddayi,’ based on Shakespeare’s Macbeth. He screened ‘Paddayi’ during the session, highlighting how he interpreted Shakespeare’s classic from a unique perspective.

Reinterpreting Shakespeare

Reflecting on his creative process, Simha discussed the experience of reinterpreting Shakespeare’s Macbeth within the context of Tulu culture. He described the process of recreating and redefining Shakespearean themes to resonate with local audiences.

In conclusion, Abhaya Simha’s session shed light on pressing ethical issues in the film industry and emphasized the importance of sensitivity and cultural context in cinematic storytelling.

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