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Mangaluru: 80-Year-Old Man Dies After Jackfruit Falls on Head


Mangaluru: An elderly man died  on Sunday after a jackfruit accidentally fell on his head. The victim has been identified as Kashmir D’Souza, 80,  a resident of Vitla Kasaba village. His son, Victor D’Souza, 48, filed a complaint with the Vitla Police  detailing the incident, which occurred while he was away in Mangaluru.

According to him, at around 4 PM, laborers were spraying fungicide on the areca crops, with Kashmir assisting them. Praveen, one of the laborers, witnessed the jackfruit falling from the tree and striking Kashmir on the head. He immediately called a relative for help.

Seeing Kashmir bleeding from the nose and unresponsive, they rushed him to Puttur Government Hospital. The doctors there declared him dead upon examination. The Vittal police station has registered a case regarding the incident.

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