Dakshina Kannada BJP Lok Sabha member, Brijesh Chowta, has raised alarms over the escalating drug menace in the district, calling for immediate and decisive action. Speaking in the Lok Sabha, Chowta highlighted the rampant drug trade in Dakshina Kannada and Mangalore city, areas known for their numerous higher educational institutions and large student populations.
Chowta pointed out that the drug issue has infiltrated educational institutions, with incidents last year involving medical college students and even young school-going children consuming banned substances. He stressed the severity of the situation, noting that approximately 60 individuals per month seek help at drug de-addiction centers in Mangaluru city alone.
“This is a very serious concern, and we need to urgently take action to dismantle the sources of this menace,” Chowta asserted. He emphasized the need for comprehensive measures to combat the drug trade and protect the youth of the district from falling prey to substance abuse.
The MP’s call for action underscores the critical need for collaboration between law enforcement, educational institutions, and community organizations to address and mitigate the growing drug problem in the region.