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Annual Feast of St. Anthony Shrine, Manjarpalke, Belman

Annual Feast Of St. Anthony Shrine, Manjarpalke, Belman

The annual feast of St. Anthony Shrine in Manjarpalke, Belman, was celebrated on Thursday, June 13, with great religious fervor and devotion.

St. Anthony’s Shrine in Manjarpalke Pakala holds a special place of reverence, believed to be a divine site where many miracles have occurred. Each year, devotees gather at the shrine to celebrate the annual feast with grandeur.

Dr. Louis Machrenhas, Bishop of the Diocese of Allahabad, presided over the Holy Eucharistic celebration as the chief celebrant. In his homily, Bishop Louis Mascharenhas emphasized the divine plan for every individual and the responsibility bestowed upon them by God. He highlighted the missionary role of every baptized person and the enduring example of faith seen in communities like Manipur despite challenges.

Fr. Fred Mascharenhas, parish priest of Belman church and rector of the Shrine, expressed gratitude for the support and cooperation received in organizing the feast.

The occasion also saw the felicitation of Dr. Louis Machrenhas and the honoring of patrons of the feast and other dignitaries. The event was attended by various priests from the Diocese of Udupi and members of the parish pastoral committee.

The celebration concluded with lunch provided to all devotees, underscoring the growing popularity of the shrine known locally as “Pakalada Dever.”


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