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Udupi Man Builds One-kilometer Road to Village

Udupi: You may have heard of Bihar’s Dashrath Manjhi, who famously carved a path through a hill to connect his village to the nearest town. However, in Udupi, there’s another remarkable story: a man who single-handedly built a one-kilometer-long mud road to his village.

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Govind Gowda Malekudiya, a resident of Peradka Girijan Colony, achieved this feat without any outside help, using only a few manual tools.

Despite repeated requests from the residents for the local authorities to build a road to their village, all efforts were in vain. When their pleas went unanswered, Govind Gowda took a shovel, pickaxe, and other tools into his own hands and started building the road.

After two years of hard work, his community finally got the connectivity they needed. This has benefited 25 families in the area.

The road is well-designed, complete with a drainage system, and now allows two-wheelers and three-wheelers easy access to his village.

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