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Concerns Over Lack of Maintenance in Mangaluru Ponds

Concerns Over Lack Of Maintenance In Mangaluru Ponds

Several major ponds in Mangaluru are undergoing rejuvenation efforts led by MUDA and the Mangaluru Smart City initiative. However, despite significant investments, concerns have arisen over the lack of proper maintenance, drawing criticism from locals and environmentalists.


Rejuvenation Projects

Close to 15 ponds, including Gujjarakere near Bolar, Bairady at Padil, and the Kavoor pond, are slated for rejuvenation under these initiatives. However, the effectiveness of these efforts is being questioned due to inadequate maintenance.

Neglected Condition

Ponds like Bairady, developed at a cost of Rs 3.30 crore, and Kavoor lake, costing Rs 8.5 crore under the Smart City project, have not been adequately maintained. Pollution caused by plastic bottles and waste has marred the water’s quality, leading to concerns over environmental degradation.

Community Disappointment

Locals, particularly in the vicinity of Bairady pond, have expressed disappointment over the deteriorating conditions. Despite previous community cleanup efforts, the situation has worsened, with overgrown vegetation, accumulated debris, and neglected children’s play areas.

Environmental Impact

Similar issues plague the Kavoor pond, where water levels have decreased in some areas, and pollution levels have risen in others. Residents allege that untreated wastewater is being directed into the pond, exacerbating environmental concerns.

Call for Action

The community calls for urgent action to address these maintenance issues and ensure the long-term sustainability of rejuvenation efforts. Proper upkeep is essential to preserve the ecological balance of these vital water bodies and maintain their aesthetic appeal for residents and visitors alike.

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