In a heart-wrenching incident, a three-year-old boy named Ashwin was allegedly assaulted and killed by his mother’s boyfriend, Micheal Raj, in Bengaluru. The 30-year-old accused reportedly saw Ashwin as an obstacle to his relationship with the boy’s mother, Ramya Kumari. This tragic event has sent shockwaves through the community, raising urgent concerns about domestic violence and child safety.
The Incident
The incident took place on the evening of July 6. Micheal Raj, who was left alone with Ashwin, allegedly became irritated with the child’s presence and assaulted him. According to reports, Raj was agitated and struck Ashwin multiple times. Ramya, who had separated from her husband and moved in with Raj about a year ago, returned home to discover the injuries on her son. Raj initially claimed that he had disciplined Ashwin by slapping him, but the situation soon escalated further.
As the night progressed, Raj’s temper flared once more when Ashwin woke up and innocently ate corn from the floor. Enraged, Raj reportedly slapped the child again. Ramya recounted in her police statement that Raj, in a fit of rage, forcefully banged Ashwin’s head against a wall. The impact caused severe head injuries, leading to Ashwin’s condition deteriorating rapidly.
Medical Efforts and Ashwin’s Demise
Despite Ramya and Raj rushing Ashwin to a nearby hospital, his condition continued to worsen. He was subsequently transferred to Nimhans, a specialized neurological hospital, where doctors tried their best to save him. Tragically, Ashwin succumbed to his injuries on July 8, two days after the assault. The severe head trauma he sustained during the altercation proved fatal.
Arrest and Legal Actions
Following Ashwin’s death, Ramya filed a complaint against Micheal Raj, leading to his arrest. Raj, a resident of Bommanahalli, has been charged with murder under Section 103 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita. The police are conducting a thorough investigation to gather all the evidence and ensure that justice is served.
Community and Government Response
The incident has drawn widespread condemnation from the community and has brought to light the issues of domestic violence and child abuse. Forest, Environment and Ecology Minister Eshwar B Khandre and senior forest officials visited Ramya and her family to offer their condolences. Khandre announced a compensation of Rs 25 lakh to each affected family and assured that a job would be provided to a family member on compassionate grounds.
BNP Deputy Conservator of Forests Prabhakar Priyadarshi, who was also present, expressed deep sorrow over the incident. He highlighted the need for better protection and support systems for vulnerable families to prevent such tragedies in the future.
Broader Implications and Activist Involvement
This incident has sparked a larger conversation about the safety and well-being of children in domestic settings. Activists from the Bannerghatta Conservation Trust have taken this opportunity to renew their calls for stricter measures against encroachments and civil works in and around the Bannerghatta National Park (BNP). They argue that the increasing human presence and activity in the area not only disrupt the environment but also create situations where such tragic incidents can occur.
Activists have once again petitioned the Supreme Court, seeking urgent intervention to address the encroachments and ensure better safety measures are implemented. This follows a previous appeal to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which had led to directives for a report from the chief secretary and chief conservator of forests. However, activists claim that little progress has been made since then.
The death of three-year-old Ashwin is a tragic reminder of the vulnerabilities faced by children in abusive domestic environments. The arrest of Micheal Raj and the government’s response are steps towards seeking justice and preventing further incidents. However, it also underscores the need for ongoing vigilance, better support systems, and stricter enforcement of laws to protect the most vulnerable members of society.