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Caught on Camera: 6 Men Fight on Karnataka Road, Two Cars Involved


In the coastal town of Udupi, Karnataka, a fight between two groups resulted in injuries to a man. On social media today, a video of the event from May 18th night went viral.
There were six parties to the altercation. According to the police, four of them are at large and two have been taken into custody.


A disagreement about money started the fight, according to the police.

A mobile video taken by the resident of a high-rise near the road where the fight happened showed two Maruti Swift cars involved in the incident.

One of the cars reversed in speed and hit the other on the bonnet. Black smoke came out. Soon, men from the two cars got out and hit each other. During the fight, one of the cars rammed a man holding a stick. The impact threw him to the ground, where he lay injured.

A Karnataka doctor posted the video on X.

“Very bad state of affairs. Gang war in Udupi. Incident happened recently late night, two groups fought on Udupi-Manipal highway near Kunjibettu. Where is the younger generation heading? Stringent action should be taken against all these culprits,” orthopaedic surgeon Dr Durgaprasad Hegde said in the post.

The police said they have formed a search team to find the four men who are on the run.

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