Bengaluru: Model Nandita K. Shetty has accused Suresh Kumar of defrauding her of Rs 1.71 lakh with a false promise of a role in the Tamil film ‘Hunter.’ Shetty, aspiring to enter the film industry, was lured by an Instagram advertisement for the movie and contacted the number provided.
Kumar initially instructed Shetty to pay Rs 12,500 for an artist card. He then demanded an additional Rs 35,000 for agreement stamp duty. Further claims from Kumar included a requirement of Rs 90,000 for passport and flight ticket expenses, supposedly for a shoot in Malaysia. Believing these payments were necessary for her role, Shetty transferred a total of Rs 1.71 lakh.
Suspecting something was amiss, Shetty conducted her own investigation and uncovered the fraudulent nature of Kumar’s promises. She promptly filed a complaint at the Konanakunte police station, leading to the registration of an FIR. The police are actively investigating the case.
This incident underscores the risks of fraud in the entertainment industry and serves as a warning for aspiring artists to be cautious of scams.