In Raichur district, Karnataka, an assistant teacher named Mehboob Ali from Adarsha Government School faced a violent backlash after sending inappropriate messages to a female guest teacher, asking her to “entertain him.” The guest teacher, who initially ignored the harassment, eventually informed her family about Ali’s persistent advances.
On Monday, her relatives confronted Ali at the school, physically assaulted him, and forced him to write an apology. Ali was also made to touch the victim’s feet as a sign of remorse. Despite the severity of the incident, the victim chose not to file a police complaint, sparing Ali from legal action.
The incident, including videos of Ali’s public apology, went viral on social media. Raichur police stated they would take legal action if the victim decided to lodge a formal complaint.
This incident follows a similar case in Raichur where a teacher, Mohammad Azaruddin, was arrested for forcing a student’s mother into a physical relationship and circulating a video of the act.
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