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Moti Mahal College of Hotel Management Hosts Food Fest Cater’s Act

Moti Mahal College Of Hotel Management Hosts Food Fest Caters Act

Mangaluru: The Cater’s Act 2024 Annual Food Festival and Cultural Events, hosted by Moti Mahal College of Hotel Management in Mangalore, on 25 May was a delightful fusion of gastronomy and tradition. As we embarked on this culinary journey, we explored the highlights of this year’s festival.


A Legacy of Excellence

Moti Mahal College of Hotel Management, established in 1992 by Dr A. J. Shetty under the Laxmi Memorial Education Trust, stood as a beacon of hospitality education in South India. Located in Mangalore, Karnataka, the college offered quality undergraduate programs in hospitality.

Affiliated with Mangalore University, approved by AICTE, and accredited by NAAC, it had consistently nurtured culinary talent and shaped future leaders in the industry.

The Culinary Extravaganza

The Cater’s Act Food Festival transcended mere culinary exploration—it was an ode to culture, creativity, and innovation. Here were the key highlights:

1. Culinary Delights

Our festival boasted an impressive array of dishes from diverse cuisines. From sizzling tandoori delights to aromatic biryanis, creamy curries, and delicate desserts, each creation reflected the skill and passion of our culinary students and faculty. Attendees were tantalized by the flavors!

2. Cultural Programs

Beyond the plates, we celebrated cultural heritage through captivating performances. Traditional dances, soulful music, and artistic expressions wove together a rich tapestry of our region’s legacy. The festival became a stage for cultural exchange and appreciation.

3. Chef Nihil Kumar: Our Esteemed Guest

Chef Nihil Kumar, Executive Chef of Vivanta, Mangalore, graced our event as the Guest of Honor. With nearly two decades of culinary expertise and leadership in renowned hotel brands, Chef Kumar inspired us all. His presence elevated the festival to new heights.

4. Interactive Sessions

Attendees engaged directly with our chefs. They discovered the stories behind each dish, exchanged recipes, and explored cutting-edge culinary techniques. It was an opportunity to learn, connect, and ignite creativity.

Event Objectives

The Cater’s Act Food Festival served multiple purposes:

Showcase Talent: Our students got a platform to showcase their culinary skills and creativity. The festival was their canvas to express their passion.

Celebrate Diversity: Food united people across cultures. By celebrating diverse cuisines, we bridged gaps and fostered understanding.

Community Building: The festival encouraged connections within the culinary community. Ideas, traditions, and experiences were shared, enriching everyone involved.

A Powerful Medium

Food transcends barriers—it’s a universal language that brings people together. The Cater’s Act Food Festival embodied Moti Mahal College of Hotel Management’s commitment to excellence in hospitality education. As we savored flavors and celebrated culture, we honored the artistry that lay within every dish.

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