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Plank to Heavy Lifting: Exercises heart patients should avoid practising


Exercising is crucial for maintaining heart health and preventing heart-related diseases by strengthening the heart muscles, controlling weight, and managing cholesterol and blood pressure levels. However, for individuals with heart conditions, certain exercises can pose risks. Dr. Pratik Chaudhary, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist at Asian Hospital, advises on exercises to avoid for heart patients.

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Heart patients should avoid doing these exercises:

1. Heavy Workout: While exercise is beneficial, heart patients should avoid intense workouts that could lead to breathing difficulties and increased heart rate and blood pressure, potentially raising the risk of a heart attack.

2. Heavy Lifting: Exercises involving heavy lifting are not advisable, especially for those with low ejection fraction or reduced heart pumping function.

3. Breathing Exercises: Exercises requiring prolonged breath-holding should be avoided as they can strain the heart.

4. Press-ups or Planks : These exercises should be avoided, especially for those recovering from a heart attack or with low ejection fraction.

When exercising, it’s important for heart patients to:

  • Start Slowly: Begin exercising at a moderate pace to avoid sudden strain on the heart.
  • Monitor Health : Refrain from exercising on days when feeling unwell or with a fever.
  • Post-Surgery Care: After surgery, limit exercise to light walking for 20-30 minutes under supervision to prevent undue stress on the heart.

Individuals with heart conditions should always exercise under expert supervision to ensure safety and effectiveness.

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