Pradeep Poojary, a 31-year-old resident of Mooduperara Kayarane, tragically passed away after suffering a cardiac arrest while playing cricket on Sunday evening. Pradeep, son of the late Ananda Poojary, was engaged in a game at Mooduperara Kayarane when he began experiencing severe chest pain.
He was initially rushed to a private hospital in Kaikamba for immediate attention. After receiving first aid at a primary health care center in Bajpe, he was transferred to a private hospital in Mangaluru. Unfortunately, despite the efforts to save him, Pradeep succumbed to his condition on the way to the hospital.
Pradeep was a dedicated employee of the Paduperara gram panchayat since 2012 and served as the president of the Mangaluru taluk committee of the State Gram Panchayat Employees’ Welfare Association. Known for his active involvement in social and community activities, he also held the position of secretary for Kayarane Navaranga Friends and was an active member of the Bajrang Dal and Javaner Perar.
Pradeep is survived by his mother, brother, and sister, who are left to mourn the sudden and heartbreaking loss of a young life. His commitment to his work and community will be remembered by those who knew him.
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#HeartbreakingLoss #CommunityMourns #SuddenDemise #CricketTragedy