In a groundbreaking medical achievement, doctors at Bengaluru’s Aster Women and Children Hospital saved premature twins born at just 23 weeks, each weighing around 500 grams. Born to a Tumkur farming family, the infants defied global survival odds, as only 0.3% of babies delivered at such a low weight survive. The twins, who faced severe health risks including respiratory distress and infection, spent nearly four months in the NICU. Advanced ventilators, strict infection control, and ongoing feeding care were crucial to their survival.
The medical team, including Dr. Srinivasa Murthy C L, Dr. Lathiesh Kumar K, and Dr. Sandya Rani, utilized cutting-edge technology and collaborated with the Rotary Club and other supporters to cover treatment costs. With a commitment to long-term follow-up care, the team continues to monitor the twins’ development, underscoring the power of advanced neonatal care and community support.
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