A 17-year-old student in Tamil Nadu’s Tindivanam was stabbed while returning home from a bus stand on his two-wheeler. The incident occurred after the teenager lost control of his vehicle while crossing a speed breaker, causing him to fall. Frustrated by the poorly laid roads, the boy expressed his complaints aloud.
Abi, a local butcher nearby, reportedly took offense at the student’s remarks. A confrontation ensued, which quickly escalated into a heated argument. In a fit of rage, Abi allegedly stabbed the boy in his left arm with a knife. Not stopping there, Abi reportedly grabbed another knife from a nearby barber shop and attacked the teenager again. Four others with Abi also joined in the assault before fleeing the scene, which was just 30 meters from a police station.
Passersby rushed the injured student to JIPMER Hospital in Puducherry for treatment. The victim’s family lodged a police complaint, leading to the arrest of Abi and his accomplices in Puducherry. All five suspects have been sent to prison, and a further investigation is underway.
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