The Bombay High Court has granted permission for the release of the film ‘Hamare Barah’ after the film’s team agreed to make cuts to certain objectionable parts. Originally scheduled for release on June 7, the film’s release was postponed to June 14 and is now expected to be released on June 21.
Several petitions were filed in the High Court, alleging that the film misrepresents the Quran and insults Islamic beliefs, seeking a ban on its release. Justices B.P. Colabawalla and Firdosh Pooniwalla, who viewed the film, suggested some changes which were agreed upon by the applicant and crew members.
The bench stated that once the necessary changes are made, a certificate from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) will be obtained before releasing it. The film team has been fined ₹5 lakh for releasing its trailer without obtaining a certificate from the CBFC.