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Chhattisgarh: Man deliberately crushes cow calf with car in Bilaspur


In a disturbing incident from Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, a car owner was caught on camera deliberately running over a calf with his Hyundai vehicle. The shocking video footage reveals the car initially moving slowly past a group of 7-8 cows near the roadside. Without warning, the car then accelerates, purposefully hitting the calf as it sits in the middle of the road. In a horrifying turn, the driver reverses the car and runs over the calf again, leaving it fatally injured.

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The entire incident was captured by a CCTV camera and subsequently circulated on social media platforms, including Sudarshan channel’s Chhattisgarh handle. The footage shows the older cows gathering around the injured calf, which eventually succumbs to its injuries, its body later seen covered in blood.

Outrage spread swiftly online, prompting demands from locals for strict legal action against the car’s owner, identified as Sheikh Shahid based on the car’s registration details visible in the CCTV footage. Various social media users called for the video to be widely shared to ensure justice for the incident.

Local Hindu groups have also joined in condemning the driver’s actions and are advocating for a thorough investigation into the matter. As of now, authorities have begun an investigation into the incident, aiming to bring the responsible party to justice.


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