A tragic incident occurred in Kanika Iluppai village near Cheyyar town, Tiruvannamalai district, Tamil Nadu, where a five-year-old girl, R. Kavyasri, died after consuming mango juice from a local shop on August 10, 2024. The juice, purchased by her father, E. Rajkumar, for ₹10, allegedly led to severe breathing difficulties shortly after the girl consumed it.
Kavyasri was rushed to the Government District Headquarters Hospital in Kancheepuram and later referred to the Government Medical College Hospital in Chengalpet, where she tragically passed away. The Dusi police have registered a case, and the girl’s body has been sent for a postmortem examination to determine the exact cause of death.
District Collector D. Bhaskara Pandian has confirmed that the authorities are awaiting the postmortem results while intensifying food safety inspections in the district. Health teams, including doctors, nurses, and health workers, have been deployed to conduct door-to-door inspections in the village. They have also collected water samples from the main pipelines and overhead tanks to test for any possible contaminants.
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