Online shopping platform Flipkart is reportedly set to implement a Rs 20 cancellation fee for users who cancel their orders after a certain time. While Flipkart has not officially confirmed this, screenshots shared on X (formerly Twitter) by tipster Abhishek Yadav suggest that a new time window will be introduced for cancellations, after which the fee will apply.
According to the shared screenshots, the cancellation fee will be levied after the free cancellation period expires. This move aims to compensate sellers and logistics partners for the costs and efforts incurred in processing the orders.
Sources indicate that these new rules are being introduced to prevent fraud and reduce losses for sellers on the platform. While Myntra, another platform owned by the same parent company, has not confirmed similar charges, the shift in Flipkart’s policy is expected to be clarified in the coming weeks.
Stay tuned for more updates on this development.
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