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From Tripura To Oman, 600 kg Order Of “Queen” Pineapples. More In Queue


Tripura’s Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister, Ratan Lal Nath, recently initiated the dispatch of 600 kg of queen pineapples to Oman from Agartala Railway Station. The consignment will transit through Guwahati before being airlifted to its final destination.


Addressing attendees at the flagging-off ceremony, Minister Nath highlighted, “Today, we are sending 600 kg of Queen Pineapples via the Guwahati Express. These will be flown to Oman from Assam. Additionally, we have secured orders to export 5 metric tons of Queen Variety pineapples to Dubai. Furthermore, discussions are underway to dispatch a larger shipment of 30 metric tons of Kew variety pineapples to Holland.”

Emphasizing the increasing demand for agricultural products from Tripura both nationally and internationally, Minister Nath elaborated, “During my recent visit to Germany, discussions with local buyers have resulted in substantial orders for Black rice, bird’s eye chilli, Kali Khasa, and Black sesame.”

He also highlighted the success of buyer-seller meets held across the country, noting, “We have received overwhelming responses from such meetings. Our next destination is Indore on June 20 for another buyer-seller meet, following successful events in Varanasi, Delhi, and Agartala.”

Minister Nath pointed out the rise in prices of Tripura’s agricultural produce due to increased demand and improved marketing efforts, stating, “Previously, pineapples sold at around ₹15 to ₹16 per piece; now prices have surged to ₹32 per piece after factoring in transportation costs.” He added, “In addition to pineapples, commodities like jackfruit, ginger, wood apple, and betel leaf are also finding their way to foreign markets.”

Reflecting on the government’s efforts to promote Tripura’s agricultural products, Minister Nath remarked, “Before 2018, such focused initiatives were not undertaken. Recognizing pineapple’s profitability, we introduced advanced farming techniques to ensure year-round production.”

In summary, Minister Nath’s remarks underscored Tripura’s burgeoning agricultural exports and the government’s proactive approach in tapping into international markets for its diverse produce.

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