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IMD Issues Red Alert for Heatwave & Orange Alert for Rain

Red Alert

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has raised concerns over severe weather conditions impacting various regions. In the northern and northwestern states such as Delhi, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab, and Haryana, a red alert has been issued for an impending heatwave until May 28.


Furthermore, the IMD has highlighted the risk of heavy rainfall in three districts of Kerala, prompting an orange alert. The state, already grappling with significant pre-monsoon precipitation, has experienced over 200 mm of rainfall in the past 24 hours.

Regarding the heatwave forecast, the IMD anticipates severe conditions in Delhi, large portions of Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, and Chandigarh until May 28. Additionally, a red alert for severe heatwave conditions is in effect for west Uttar Pradesh from May 26 to 28. Isolated regions of west Madhya Pradesh are also expected to face severe heatwave conditions until May 26, with Gujarat experiencing similar conditions presently.

The timing of the heatwave prediction for Delhi, coinciding with Phase 6 of the Lok Sabha elections on May 25, raises concerns about the potential impact on voter turnout, given the expected maximum temperature of 44 degrees Celsius.

Tragic incidents related to the extreme weather have already been reported, including five suspected heat stroke deaths in Rajasthan and casualties among wildlife. IMD scientist Naresh Kumar emphasized the severity of the situation, with red alerts in Rajasthan and Haryana and an orange alert in Punjab.

Switching focus to rainfall forecasts, the IMD warns of isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall over Kerala and Mahe due to a cyclonic circulation over south Kerala on May 24. Kerala, which has already experienced flooding in some areas and damage to property, is likely to witness thunderstorms, lightning, and gusty winds over the next two days. Other regions, including Lakshadweep, Karnataka, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Yanam, Rayalaseema, and Telangana, are also expected to receive rainfall accompanied by thunderstorms and lightning.

Lastly, the IMD predicts light to moderate rainfall over the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the coming week, with isolated heavy rainfall likely from May 23 to 25. Konkan, Goa, and Vidarbha can anticipate isolated light to moderate rainfall with similar weather patterns from May 24 to 26, while Marathawada, Madhya Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh are also expected to experience light to moderate rainfall today.

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