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Inside Phalodi Satta Bazar: Betting on Everything from Weather to Elections


Despite a decrease in the number of seats it had predicted at the start of the polls, Phalodi Satta Bazar still believes that the BJP will win the Lok Sabha elections.


The ruling party is predicted to win roughly 296-300 seats after four phases of voting, which is a decrease from the previous estimate of 307-310 seats. The Saffron Party independently won 303 seats in the 2019 elections.

Though most people from North India know about Phalodi Satta Bazar, visitors from other regions of the nation are frequently intrigued. We go into detail about what that means here.

Know All About Phalodi Satta Bazar

Located approximately 160 km from  Jodhpur, Phalodi has risen to prominence due to its betting or satta market, renowned for its accurate predictions of significant events. With a population of about 600,000, the town boasts over 1,200 residents directly involved in the betting business, according to a report in Outlook, with an annual betting volume exceeding 20 crore.

Bets cover a wide range of topics, including rainfall, cricket, matka, jhatpat, lottery, and elections.

Modus Operandi

The betting system in Phalodi operates intriguingly, involving bookies and punters. Bookies set the stakes, such as the number of seats the BJP will win, and punters place their bets accordingly. A robust network across various states collects and analyzes data to forecast trends accurately.

This market’s networking is formidable, with strict access control. It operates via WhatsApp and private websites, with a sophisticated intelligence system that ensures its continuity. Outsiders are not permitted on these platforms, maintaining the market’s exclusivity. Although no written records document the origins of betting in this old town, the chairman of the unofficial Satta Bazaar committee traces its lineage back to his great-great-grandfather’s era. Phalodi’s historical ties to  Mumbai’s silver market birthed the Satta Bazaar, replicating its success between 1860 and 1870.

The popularity of Phalodi Satta Bazaar has been driven by the accuracy of election polls. Outlook was informed by a broker that “we have our network all over the country.” We talk to them during election season, and they provide us with information. We read the scenario using the caste equations tool, analyze it, and then provide our estimates.” But even with assertions of in-depth analysis, the methodology is still dubious and amounts to little more than conjecture. Still, the Phalodi Satta Bazaar functions as a kind of informal pre-poll survey. It started out with two buildings close to the fort and now covers the entire city, but it hasn’t been sued very much.

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