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Kerala Woman, First to Obtain Deep Sea Fishing License, Faces Crisis

Kerala Woman, First To Obtain Deep Sea Fishing License, Faces Crisis

Rekha K C, hailed as Kerala’s first woman to secure a deep sea fishing license in 2018, is now grappling with a severe setback after her fishing boat was damaged in rough seas a month ago. Based in Chettuva, Thrissur district, Rekha and her husband Karthikeyan, supported by loans and well-wishers, managed to purchase a boat, engines, and nets to sustain their family of six, including four daughters.

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On June 3, while Rekha was unable to fish due to illness, Karthikeyan and two workers encountered a mishap at sea when their boat capsized in turbulent waters. Despite rescue efforts by nearby fishing vessels, their boat and equipment, valued at approximately Rs. 6 lakh, were lost. Despite seeking assistance from the fisheries department, they were denied aid due to lack of insurance coverage, which they couldn’t afford due to financial constraints.

Rekha, who challenged traditional norms by venturing into the sea a decade ago, has now reached out to Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan for support as their family struggles to make ends meet. Her pioneering efforts were once celebrated and recognized, symbolizing a shift in gender roles in Kerala’s coastal communities.

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