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Maharashtra: 3-Month-Old Critical After Another Drink Driving Incident


On Friday night, a car struck a woman, her son, and a three-month-old infant in Nagpur, Maharashtra, injuring them all. Police claimed they discovered alcohol bottles in the driver’s car and that he was inebriated.
This occurs just a few days after a drunken 17-year-old in Pune killed two people when he struck their bike while operating a Porsche sports car valued at ₹2.5 crore.


In the heavily populated Mahal neighborhood of the city, the accident happened close to Zenda Chowk.

According to the police, the driver along with his two friends were drinking while travelling in the car when they hit the family.

All three are being treated at a hospital. The baby is in a critical condition.

Locals pursued the three men as they attempted to leave the scene. Before being turned over to the police, one of them was apprehended and assaulted by others. The car’s windows were also shattered by the enraged mob.

The man has been arrested by the police and is currently being questioned.

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