Satara: Maharashtra’s Guardian Minister of Satara and Excise Minister has issued a stern warning to the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) to repair the potholes on the Pune-Bengaluru National Highway by August 15 or face legal consequences. The recent rains have exacerbated the road conditions, leading to numerous potholes that have caused significant inconvenience and several minor accidents as drivers try to avoid them.
The Indian National Congress party has recently highlighted the issue through protests, drawing attention to the deteriorating state of the highway. In a meeting with NHAI officials in Satara, the minister emphasized the urgency of road repairs to prevent accidents and economic losses. “If the potholes are not fixed by August 15, we will pursue legal action against those responsible. Immediate action is essential to address the damage and mitigate further risks,” the minister stated.
Additionally, the minister has instructed the state’s public works department to address damage to state highways caused by the rains. Congress party workers have staged demonstrations at five toll booths on the Pune-Kolhapur stretch of NH 48, allowing vehicles to pass toll-free while demanding urgent road repairs. The protests ended after NHAI officials agreed to a 25% toll waiver immediately, with an additional 25% waiver pending further consultation with the road and highways ministry.