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Rajkot Gaming Zone Owners Charged with Culpable Homicide, 2 Arrested

Rajkot Fire Accident (2)

Rajkot Police have filed an FIR against six partners of the gaming zone, charging them with culpable homicide not amounting to murder. Two individuals have been arrested in connection with a fire that claimed the lives of 27 people. 


The case registered against six accused are: Dhaval Corporation proprietor Dhaval Thakkar, Kiritsinh Jadeja, Prakashchand Hiran, Raceway Enterprise partners Ashoksinh Jadeja, Yuvrajsinh Solanki and Rahul Rathod, as per the FIR.

The gaming zone had been granted a booking license by local authorities, but its fire safety measures were reportedly inadequate. Despite having fire safety equipment, the response to the blaze was insufficient, leading to the tragic incident. 

The FIR states that the accused constructed a structure for the gaming zone without proper fire safety equipment and failed to obtain a no-objection certificate from the fire department. The partners of the gaming zone and its manager have been named in the FIR and face charges under various sections of the Indian Penal Code. Efforts are underway to apprehend the remaining accused, with multiple teams deployed for the task, said the police. 

The investigation has been handed over to the crime branch and a Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been formed. 

Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has visited the site of the tragedy and announced an ex gratia of Rs 4 lakh to the kin of each of the deceased and Rs 50,000 to each injured. 

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