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Suresh Gopi Lauds Efforts for Indians Injured in Kuwait Fire Tragedy

Suresh Gopi

Union Minister of State Suresh Gopi commended the External Affairs Ministry on Friday for its exceptional coordination in ensuring treatment for Indians injured in the tragic Kuwait fire, which claimed the lives of at least 49 individuals.


Additionally, the Minister of State for Tourism and Petroleum announced the cancellation of his scheduled activities for the day. Instead, he will be present at the international airport to receive the bodies of Malayalees who lost their lives in the incident.

In parallel, Kerala Revenue Minister K Rajan informed reporters that the bodies of 23 Malayalees, 7 Tamilians, and one individual from Karnataka will be received at the airport. Following this, the flight carrying the mortal remains of other deceased Indians will proceed to Delhi.

Rajan elaborated on the arrangements made for the public viewing of the bodies at the airport. Subsequently, ambulances provided by the Department of Non-Resident Keralites’ Affairs (NORKA) will transport the remains to their respective families. He assured that the Health Department is prepared to arrange additional ambulances if necessary for transporting the bodies of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka natives.

“We have also assigned a pilot vehicle for each ambulance,” Rajan added.

He further mentioned that Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and other state ministers will be present at the airport to oversee the proceedings.

Earlier, addressing the media, Minister Gopi praised the External Affairs Ministry for swiftly intervening diplomatically to ensure proper medical treatment for the injured Indians and the repatriation of those who lost their lives.

“They are handling it commendably,” he remarked.

Officials reported that out of the 49 fatalities in the fire at Al-Mangaf building on June 12, 42 were Indians, with the remaining victims hailing from Pakistan, the Philippines, Egypt, and Nepal. The building, located in southern Kuwait’s Mangaf area, accommodated approximately 195 migrant workers.

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