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US Congressional Delegation Meets Dalai Lama, Promotes Tibet Bill

Dalai Lama

Former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, along with House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul and other congressional delegates, visited the Dalai Lama’s residence on Wednesday. The delegation traveled to McLeod Ganj in Himachal Pradesh, where they met with the Tibetan spiritual leader. Michael McCaul, leading the delegation, indicated that President Joe Biden is expected to sign the Resolve Tibet Act soon, aimed at urging China to engage in talks to resolve the Tibet issue peacefully.


The Resolve Tibet Act calls on Beijing to resume discussions with Tibetan leaders, paused since 2010, to address governance disagreements peacefully. The bill seeks a negotiated settlement between China and Tibet, emphasizing the Tibetan people’s desires concerning their cultural, religious, and linguistic identity.

Before meeting the Dalai Lama, Deputy Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile Dolma Tsering Teykhang expressed appreciation for the US lawmakers’ visit, underscoring international support for Tibet.

Earlier, Pelosi and a group of US representatives arrived at Kangra airport in Dharamshala on Tuesday. They were welcomed by officials from the Central Tibetan Administration.

Michael McCaul commented to reporters about the upcoming meeting with the Dalai Lama and the significance of the bill passed by Congress, affirming US solidarity with Tibet. He confirmed President Biden’s intention to sign the bill into law.

The Resolve Tibet Act challenges China’s historical claims about Tibet and urges China to halt the dissemination of inaccurate information about Tibet’s history and its spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama. The legislation also calls for renewed dialogue between China and Tibetan leaders on governance issues.

US lawmakers have made regular visits to Dharamshala to support the Dalai Lama’s efforts in preserving Tibetan culture and language. The Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959 after an unsuccessful uprising against Chinese rule in Tibet. Beijing has consistently opposed meetings between the Dalai Lama and foreign officials, viewing him as a separatist threat.

China expressed strong concern over the visit and the impending signing of the bill by President Biden, reiterating its stance on Tibet-related issues and warning against any official contact with the Dalai Lama, whom Beijing considers a divisive figure.

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