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Karnataka Sangha Qatar Celebrates World Environment Day 2024

Ks Qatar W Env Day Featured Main # 002 Of 004 Ks Qatar W Env Day June 17, 2024

Doha, Qatar: Karnataka Sangha Qatar (KSQ) celebrated World Environment Day on 5 and 7 June 2024 at Al Handasa Compound and at Brilliant Indian International School.


Sangha children actively participated by planting saplings and taking part in an environmental-themed drawing competition.

Seventy-two children participated enthusiastically, showcasing their talent by creating spectacular pictures based on three different themes. The guest judge, Vaishnavi Shreenivasan, evaluated their artwork.

Chief Guest Baburajan, the Former ICC President appreciated the continued initiative of KSQ, Vice President Ramesh KS welcomed the gathering.

President Ravi Shetty emphasized the importance of preserving Mother Earth and urged everyone to plant trees whenever and wherever they have the opportunity.

Advisory Chairman Mahesh Gowda, ICC Vice President Subramanya Hebbagilu, and Advisors Arun Kumar, V S Mannangi, H K Madhu, and Dr Sanjay Kudari attended the event.

The Presidents and MC members of Karnataka-based associations graced the occasion and motivated the participants.

Joint Secretary L. G. Patil proposed the vote of thanks.

Environment & Logistics Secretary Shashidhar H. B. anchored the closing ceremony, and Ladies and Children Coordinator Bhuvana Suraj, joined by all MC members and volunteers, supported the event’s success.


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